mound mound n. 塚, 古墳; 小山, 土手, 堤; (積みあげた)山; 〔野球〕 (ピッチャーの)マウンド. 【動詞+】 build a mound a foot or more high 1 フィートかそれ以上の高さの築山(つきやま)を作る bulldoze a mound 小山をブルドーザーでならす He piled a little mound o
shell 1shell n. 殻; 貝; 砲弾; 骨組み, 外形. 【動詞+】 The baby bird breaks the shell by tapping it with its beak. 幼鳥はくちばしで殻をこつこつたたいて割る These shells have been cast up by the waves. この貝は波で打ち上げられたものだ c
there is a mizuko-kaizuka shell mound which is an officially-designated historical site . 国指定史跡の水子貝塚がある()。
incidentally , the jomon period is included in the okinawa shell mound period in okinawa prefecture ' s history . なお、沖縄県では沖縄県の歴史沖縄貝塚文化に区分される。
the subsequent period is the late shell mound period which is also known as the post jomon period in the northern tohoku region and hokkaido . 次の時代は、貝塚時代後期、東北北部から北海道では続縄文時代と呼ばれる。
in the small islands southeast of the main islands of japan , life were characteristic of those during the paleolithic period in the first half of this period , but the shell mound period started around 60 ,000 years ago and continued until around the end of the heian period . 南西諸島においてこの時期の前半は旧石器時代が継続していたが、約6千年前以降に貝塚時代に移行し、およそ平安時代末期まで続いた。
on the other hand , rice-paddies did not spread in the nansei islands and sakhalin/hokkaido , therefore , the shell mound period and then the gusuku period followed the jomon period in the nansei islands and post jomon period then satsumon period followed after the jomon period in sakhalin/hokkaido (although there was an example of a rice-paddy during the early yayoi period shown in the tareyanagi site in aomori prefecture , rice-paddy cultivation also did not widely spread in tohoku region in honshu until the middle to the late yayoi period and some theoretical views that post jomon period followed as in hokkaido .) 一方、南西諸島と樺太・北海道には水田が作られず、南西諸島では貝塚時代、ついでグスク時代、樺太・北海道では続縄文時代、ついで擦文時代(さつもん)が続いた(また、本州東北地方では、青森県垂柳遺跡のように弥生時代前期の水田の事例もあるものの、一般的には中期後半前後まで水稲農耕は完全に受容されたとはいえず、北海道に準じ続縄文文化が展開したとの見方もある)。